The Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been in the industry for over three decades now and is one of the country’s most celebrated and highest-paid actors. Not just acting but Khan has donned many hats in his illustrious career and built an empire of Rs 2850 crore, per caknowledge. His blockbuster movies have certainly added more crores to his already massive net worth soon.
While Khan lives with his family in a lavish pad in Galaxy Apartments, an iconic spot in Bandra – Mumbai, the 57-year-old actor has purchased several properties in and around the maximum city. From owning 150 acres of land in Panvel to a luxurious abode in Dubai, scroll down to tour all the lavish multi-crore properties owned by the Bollywood superstar.
Inside photos and videos of Salman Khan’s luxurious homes worth Crores in Mumbai and Dubai
1. A stunning sea-facing house in Bandra
Salman Khan’s sea-facing apartment in Mumbai’s Galaxy Apartment has become one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations for cinephiles. While Khan’s family lives on the first floor of the building, the Bollywood actor purchased himself a separate space on the ground floor, which cost him approximately Rs 100 crore, per and Square Yards.