Shweta Bachchan’s estimated net worth is Rs 160 crore, according to Times of India. She saw a significant surge in her wealth in 2023 when Amitabh Bachchan gifted Shweta Prateeksha, the iconic Bachchan mansion in Juhu, Mumbai which is reportedly worth Rs 50 crore. According to the Times of India, Big B plans to divide his property between his kids, Shweta Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan. Notably, the legendary actor’s net worth is estimated to be Rs 3,190 crore, according to CNBC TV18.
Shweta Bachchan dons multiple hats. Besides being a bestselling author and columnist, she’s also dabbled in modelling and a short teaching stint. Shweta also showed her prowess as a businessman by co-founding the luxury brand MxS, along with fashion designer Monisha Jaising. Shweta Bachchan has studied in Switzerland and is a Boston University alum.
What is Navya Naveli Nanda’s net worth?
Navya Naveli Nanda’s net worth is estimated to be Rs 16.58 crore, according to DNA India. According to the Times of India, she holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Technology & UX Design from Fordham University, New York City. Following in her father’s footsteps, Navya Nanda works as both an entrepreneur and philanthropist. The budding entrepreneur is the co-founder of Aara Health and also the founder of Project Naveli.
Aara Health is a “women-centric health tech company focused on building, creating, and providing scientifically backed affordable healthcare products and services to women in India,” according to the company’s official website. According to Entrepreneur and DNA India, Aara Health has a turnover of crores. As for Project Naveli, the non-profit organization aims to fight gender equality in the following four areas, education, domestic violence, economic independence, and mental and physical health, according to their official LinkedIn page.
About Agastya Nanda
Agastya Nanda’s net worth is unknown. However, the young man is making a name for himself and has ventured into the world of movies. The newcomer made his acting debut in The Archies alongside Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan and Sridevi’s daughter Khushi Kapoor. Agastya is an alum of Sevenoaks School, London, according to the Times of India.