A video of Urfi Javed has surfaced, in which she is seen being arrested by two female police officers. After this video surfaced, there was an uproar as to why Urfi Javed has been arrested. Let us also show you this video going viral on social media.
- The news of the arrest of Urfi Javed, who was in the news for her strange clothes, has spread like wildfire.
- A video has surfaced in which two female officers are seen arresting Urfi Javed.
- Now the truth of this video has not been revealed, but the fans of the actress are worried.
Fans are left stunned about Urfi Javed, who is often in the news because of her strange clothes. Actually, a video has surfaced on social media, in which Mumbai Police is seen arresting him and taking him to the police station. Seeing this, people were surprised as to what was the matter. But it is not yet clear whether this video is true or a prank. Let us show this video of Urfi Javed.
Paparazzi has shared the video, in which the police comes to take Urfi Javed, who was present in the restaurant, to the police station. Then she gets angry and asks what and why is he doing all this. Then two female officers tell them that she wears short clothes and now they will have to go to the police station.
Has Urfi Javed really been arrested?
After this, Urfi Javed continuously refuses to go to the police station. But both the female officers do not agree and leave with the actress in the car. Then Urfi says what kind of misbehavior is this? After the video surfaced, his fans also became very worried.
After all, what is the truth of this video?
Now it is not known what is the truth of this video, but the users are definitely surprised about Urfi Javed as to what happened suddenly. All the fans are questioning whether this video is true or a prank. Most people have called it a prank. One user wrote, ‘Deduct Rs 50 for overacting.’ But Urfi Javed has not shared any information regarding this yet.
Had received death threats Urfi Javed
Recently, Urfi Javed had received a threat for recreating the look of Rajpal Yadav’s character ‘Chhota Pandit’. The actress had received a mail where a person had threatened her with rape and death. After which the actress shared the screenshot of the mail.