Rohit Shetty, who is known for his direction skills on the big screen, made his digital debut with Amazon Prime Video’s latest series Indian Police Force, featuring Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty Kundra, and Vivek Oberoi. One of the highest-paid filmmakers in Bollywood, he has created successful franchises such as Golmaal and his popular cop universe that includes Singham, Sooryavanshi, Simmba, and his recently released web series Indian Police Force.
Besides directing films and web shows (Indian Police Force), Rohit Shetty also earns through brand endorsements, and hosting/judging reality shows. The filmmaker’s massive wealth allows him to lead a luxurious lifestyle that includes a lavish 10-storey house, a fleet of swanky cars, and more. Below, we take a look at Rohit Shetty’s income sources and the way he spends his wealth.
Here’s how filmmaker Rohit Shetty earns and spends his wealth
1. Direction
Rohit Shetty began his career as an assistant director at the age of 17, before directing his first independent project, Zameen, in 2003. Since then, he has continued to achieve great success and delivered critically acclaimed blockbusters such as Golmaal, Singham, Chennai Express, Simmba, Sooryavanshi, and others. According to various online reports, Shetty charges around Rs 18 crore to direct one project, which makes him one of the highest-earning filmmakers in Bollywood.
2. Producer
Rohit Shetty has also ventured into production by launching his own production house — Rohit Shetty Production House Pvt. Ltd — which has emerged as one of the most prominent banners in the Hindi film industry. His notable work as a producer includes Dilwale, Golmaal Again, Simmba, Cirkus, Sooryavanshi, and many others.
3. Reality Shows