About 1,000 have been reported. drone sighting in New Jersey in less than a month, according to data collected by the state’s Office of Emergency Management.
The analysis revealed that there were 964 reported sightings of unmanned aircraft systems between November 19 and December 13, the majority of which – 243 – were in suburban Hunterdon County.
On Thursday night alone, 193 drone sightings were reported. The night sky was also busy on December 4, when 141 drones were seen hovering overhead.
The mysterious public crisis began with a scene on November 19.
Somerset County reported 169 sightings, followed by Bergen County with 75 reports. There were 63 drone sightings in Monmouth County and 59 drone sightings in Union County.
Eyewitnesses have reported that the mysterious drones are the size of mini-SUVs, and hover low to the ground while emitting pulsating lights.
The federal government has reported sightings of drones, which also happens in New YorkWhat have actually been misidentified are manned aircraft, such as helicopters and Cessna single engine aircraft. He has also said that they pose no threat to the people on the ground.
But elected officials in New Jersey and New York are calling on federal authorities to take more steps, including shooting down a drone for surveillance.
Republican lawmakers, citing sources with high security clearance, suggested the drones were Chinese, Iranian or Russian.
most of new jersey philosophy It happened during 6 pm, at which time 196 were reported.
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