It’s been 20 years since Shah Rukh Khan, or A.R. Rahman, gave us our favourite road trip song. Not just the unmatchable vocals of Yun Hi Chala Chal, a honeyed-and-sufi amalgamation by Udit Narayan, Hariharan and Kailash Kher, make the song a timeless classic. The cinematic brilliance of this particular scene from Swades—Shah Rukh Khan journeying back home in a caravan—leaves a kind of imprint on the soul.
For a song to remain popular two decades later, especially at a time when 100,000 songs are released every day (according to a Variety report), it must have that oomph factor. So it’s no wonder that Daddy Yankee’s Gasolina, a club favourite to this very day and Snoop Dog’s groovy Drop It Like It’s Hot has made it to the list. However, there are others, slow burns like Gwen Stefani’s No Doubt or Main Yahaan Hu from Veer Zaara, that turn the big two-o this year and still dominate most mood playlists. Your favourite karaoke number, Green Day’s Boulevard of Broken Dreams, can now be called an oldie. Feeling your age yet?
Shah Rukh Khan starring Yuh Hi Chala to Daddy Yankee’s Gasolina — 15 songs you won’t believe are 20 years old and are still just as popular
1. She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5
With a pretty steamy music video accompanying Adam Levine’s top-notch crooning and relatable lyrics, She Will Be Loved is a song you will never forget.
2. Gasolina by Daddy Yankee