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HomeLifestyleSurvey reveals being on Santa’s nice list pays off

Survey reveals being on Santa’s nice list pays off

Being on Santa’s “nice list” pays off: Parents whose kids believe in Santa are more likely to spend $100 more on gifts this year than their non-believing counterparts, according to a new study. make plans.

A survey of 2,000 American parents who celebrate Christmas found that 68% of children age 18 or younger believe in Santa, while 27% do not.

Compared to each other, the average parent of a child who believes in Santa plans to spend $491 on gifts this year, while their non-believing peers spend only $388.

A survey of 2,000 American parents who celebrate Christmas found that 68% of children age 18 or younger believe in Santa, while 27% do not. Andrey Kiselev –

The most expensive gift children are asking for from Santa is an average of $205. But only 35% of parents think it’s “too expensive.”

commissioned by Slickdeals And conducted by Talker Research, the study revealed that belief in Santa also makes Christmas morning more exciting.

Children who believe in Ol’ Saint Nick are twice as likely to be excited for December 25 as non-believers (87% compared to 41%).

According to the survey, 41 percent of parents whose children believe in Santa said their children take the nice and naughty lists very seriously. SWNS

Children who believe in Santa can expect to receive an average of seven gifts, while nonbelievers can expect to receive four.

Parents are most likely to get their kids clothes (57%), electronics (36%), video games (26%), books (26%), puzzles and games (24%) and candy (23%) for the holidays this year. Have been.

Nearly a quarter of parents (23%) said their children have also asked for gifts they don’t like but want to get along with other kids. A third (36%) said their children would compare what they got at Christmas with their friends.

Clothing, electronics and video games are top contenders as gifts for the holidays. SWNS

“Belief in Santa brings added magic to the holidays for families,” said Elizabeth Simmer, chief business officer of Slickdeals. “Parents who believe in Santa may feel a greater urgency to make each Christmas memorable, which may explain higher spending.”

The study also revealed that the majority of parents (56%) had used the naughty list or some similar threat to get their children to behave before Christmas.

Indeed, this was found to be a much more common strategy for children who believed in Santa than their non-believing peers (70% compared to 50%).

Parents whose children believe in Santa plan to spend $100 more on gifts this year than their non-believing counterparts. SWNS

41 percent of parents whose children believe in Santa said their children take the nice and naughty list “very seriously” – although 87% acknowledged the list is arbitrary. They will likely get gifts for their children, even if they are on the naughty list.

The parents said they were also pretty divided over which gifts should come from themselves and Big Guy Up North. According to him, 51% of his children’s gifts come from Santa and 49% come from themselves.

Forty-eight percent said they reserve the most sought-after gifts from Santa for their children.

Kids who believe in Ol’ St. Nick are twice as likely to be excited for December 25 as non-believers. SWNS
The study also revealed that more than half of the parents surveyed used the naughty list or some similar threat to get their children to behave in the run-up to Christmas. pixel-shot –

One-third (31%) of parents whose children don’t believe in Santa try to replicate that special feeling by saving their child’s most sought-after gifts for last.

“Whether kids believe in Santa or not, stretching the holiday budget is a universal goal,” Simmer said. “By taking advantage of a huge community like ours, parents can find the best deals to make Christmas morning magical – no matter who is leaving the gifts under the tree.”

Survey Method:

Talker Research surveyed 2,000 American parents who celebrate Christmas; The survey was commissioned by Slickdeals and administered by Talker Research and conducted online between November 22 and November 27, 2024.

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