Set in pre-independence India, the series explores the lives of prostitutes in Heera Mandi, Lahore’s historic red-light district. The narrative highlights themes of love, betrayal and political intrigue during the Indian independence movement. The story centers on Mallikajaan, who oversees an elite house of prostitutes, and her rivalry with Faridan. The series also highlights the personal journey of Mallikajan’s youngest daughter Alam, as she navigates power dynamics and personal desires. compelling narrativeThe lavish set design and intricate costume details make it a cinematic viewing experience.
3. The Empire – Disney+Hotstar
The series is an Indian historical drama series that explores the rise and fall of the Mughal Empire. based on the book Mughal Empire By Alex Rutherford, the series focuses on major figures – from Babur to Aurangzeb. It begins with 14-year-old Babur’s accession to the throne of Ferghana after the death of his father. Dealing with political challenges and personal dilemmas, he embarks on a journey that leads to the establishment of the Mughal dynasty in India. The show features stunning sets and intricate period details, showcasing the richness and grandeur of the Mughal court. With its historical context, it reflects the political, cultural and military conflicts of the era that shaped the subcontinent. The series features strong performances from a talented cast Kunal KapoorShabana Azmi, Drishti Dhami, Dino Morea and Aditya Seal.
4. Bose: Dead/Alive – GeoCinema