Unlike most series that focus on male characters, Engineering Girls follows the lives of three female engineering students as they navigate college life, career aspirations, and challenges unique to women in STEM fields. The series provides a refreshing perspective on women in engineering, tackling issues of gender stereotypes, career ambitions, and personal growth.
7. Inside Edge – Amazon Prime Video
In a cricket-obsessed country, the sport’s integrity is rarely questioned. Inspired by the controversial Indian Premier League (IPL), Amazon Prime Video’s Inside Edge exposes the darker aspects of T20 cricket. The series, the first Indian content to stream on the platform, highlights match-fixing, politics, betting, betrayal, and doping scandals, blurring the lines between reel and real with its authentic portrayal of the cricket world. The Mumbai Mavericks are in their sixth season of the Power Play League. While the preliminary rounds go well, a new owner’s arrival disrupts the team’s harmony, bringing greed and fame into play. The series brings the behind-the-scenes drama of professional sports, highlighting the nexus of power, money, and ambition. It offers a thrilling narrative that keeps viewers on the edge with its intense storytelling and complex characters.
8. Skam – Netflix
This Norwegian teen drama explores the lives of high school students dealing with social pressures, relationships, and personal identity in the digital age. Like Kota Factory Season 3, this series stands out for its raw portrayal of teenage life, addressing mental health, sexuality, and societal expectations. It’s praised for its realistic characters and innovative storytelling approach.