Thalapathy Vijay’s last eight releases have grossed more than this Rs 200 crore Involved leoWhich is one of the highest grossing Tamil films of all time. Looking at his bankability, the actor got Rs 200 crore for his dual roles goataccording to The Times of India, goat’s The estimated production budget is Rs 340 crore, of which Vijay’s remuneration forms a major part. For leoAccording to this, Vijay took home Rs 120 crore The Times of India,
3. Shahrukh Khan
Before Thalapathy Vijay, Shahrukh Khan He was the highest paid actor in India. according to cnbc tv18 And Financial ExpressBollywood superstars got paid a massive Rs 100 crore for each film they acted in Pathan And youngAs co-producer, Shahrukh Khan got 60 percent stake young’s Earning. Meanwhile, according to the Hurun India Rich List 2024, Shah Rukh Khan continues to retain the title of the richest Indian actor with a massive net worth of Rs 7,300 crore.
4. Aamir Khan