Notes app on iPhone holds some of our most valuable thoughts – But there could be something more sinister going on.
According to some social media spies, people are now using the Notes app to mess with their partners.
“So apparently the new way people are committing fraud is on the iPhone Notes app,” TikTok user @bellastalktime said. said in a video Posted on Thursday, it has already been viewed 237,800 times.
The content creator claimed that users could invite iPhone owners to collaborate on a shared note, allowing them to view text and images that could be instantly deleted.
“People are surviving by sending pictures and all kinds of things,” he said. “This is crazy.”
Some sly viewers admitted they knew the Notes app was being used by unsuspecting fraudsters for a long time.
“I’m afraid this has been going on for some time. With ‘calculator’ photo vault,” one user wrote, mention of an app It looks like a calculator and its name is “Calculator”, but it’s the location to store the photos under lock and key.
“Yeah. One of my best friends. He had his notes app open on his laptop and he was like [his girlfriend] Found out,” one person shared.
“Yes, I did this and you can lock notes with a custom password so that even if someone gets your phone they can’t unlock the notes,” admitted another.
However, other shocked viewers said they had no idea that the seemingly innocuous Notes app could be used for such questionable actions.
“My husband and I use that feature for our grocery list,” said one naive Notes user.
One declared, “If a guy asks me to work with him on the Notes app, he’s being blocked.”
“I can’t imagine messaging someone through the Notes app,” said another.
A third bluntly said, “I’m too lazy to be that creative.”