I had fun for a very long time and now I don’t have anything to do for a long time. I didn’t go to school or become an entrepreneur and I don’t even know what job I want to do. All I know is that I don’t like working alone and I like problem solving in a team. Where do I start so I can find my future?
Well, at least you’re self aware, so you have that going for you. It’s never too late to start your own.
It is common to start late in life. However, you need some guidance and direction. Educating yourself about your options is your best starting point and then getting some training in that area through school would be my next step.
Think about what you could see yourself doing for a living, then research those areas and maybe take some courses. Since you don’t like to work alone, I’m hoping that means you’re sociable and have a network of friends you can tap into for some guidance.
Don’t worry about taking the right step – just the next step. Get started and keep working toward help and self-discovery. Keep an open mind, and you’re more likely to discover what you’re meant to do.
Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a Chief Human Resources Executive. Listen to Greg Wade. 9:35 am iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael RiedelEmail: GoToGreg@NYPost.com. to follow: GoToGreg.com And on Twitter: @GregGiangrande