SRK was recently spotted lifting the IPL 2024 trophy following his team’s third title victory. But, it wasn’t the trophy that caught everyone’s eye. It was Khan’s glistening piece of wrist bling. Now, SRK is no stranger to fashionable luxury watches – indeed he is one of the greatest flag bearers of haute horology in the Indian film industry, often spotted wearing everything from a variety of Rolexes to Pateks and even, on occasion, a Moonswatch. This time however, he went for the absolute pinnacle of sports watch technology, which was fitting given that the IPL team he co-owns picked up the Champions’ trophy for the second time.
Khan was spotted wearing a Richard Mille RM052 Titanium Skull while doing a victory lap of the M Chidambaram stadium in Chennai. To put it simply, it’s a Richard Mille with a dial that features a three-dimensional human skull machined out of grade 5 titanium. To put it accurately, however, it’s a limited edition timepiece that costs Rs 5.75 crore (minus taxes).
Why? For starters, it’s a Richard Mille and that tends to command a premium. There’s also the fact that through sheer metallurgic ingenuity, Richard Mille has managed to integrate the skull design into the movement. It’s the baseplate and bridges that take the form of the skull while the upper and lower jaw hold the ruby of the tourbillon cage.
Compared to Richard Mille’s usual fare, this is a fairly straightforward timepiece in terms of the material used. It’s the symbolism of the watch that’s as important as the execution of its design. Perhaps it’s a coded way of telling opponents that Khan has a track record of triumphing over them.
Only 15 of these exist in the world, so it’s no surprise that one of the world’s biggest movie stars owns one.