Six years after kick-starting a new horror comedy universe (Maddock Supernatural Universe) with Stree, filmmaker Amar Kaushik has returned with a much-awaited sequel that picks up from where the 2018 movie ended. Stree 2 also marks the return of Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Shraddha Kapoor, Abhishek Banerjee and Aparshakti Khurana.
Building on the storyline and characters of the first part, Stree 2 takes us back to the small village of Chanderi, where the people are now living a life without the fear of Stree — a female spirit who used to abduct men at night. However, their freedom and peace are short-lived as a new, more malevolent monster emerges and begins attacking and abducting the women with adhunik soch (modern thinking), using his severed head. Will Vicky (Rajkummar Rao), the saviour of Chanderi, be able to work his magic again and defeat the giant headless ghost?
Stree 2 ending explained — Is Shraddha Kapoor actually Stree? Do Vicky and the girl-with-no-name take down Sarkata? And what does the entry of a new villain mean for part 3?
*(Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead!)*
Screenwriter Niren Bhatt, who replaced Raj & DK in the sequel, packed the movie with witty one-liners and comic sequences that successfully maintain the essence of the Stree franchise. However, the zing that the first movie had is missing. Interestingly, Shraddha Kapoor‘s character, the girl-with-no-name, takes a back seat as the quartet (Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee, and Aparshakti Khurana) impress with their comic timing and noteworthy performances. Especially Abhishek Banerjee, who reprises his role as Jana from Stree and Bhediya. “First Stree, then Bhediya… why do I always get stuck?” says Jana in a scene where Vicky and Bittu request him to return to Chanderi (from Delhi).