While there are a whole lot of social messaging platforms out there, Telegram has always had a dedicated space in the community because of its privacy-first nature and bots. Now, we get to see an official Microsoft Copilot bot make it to Telegram. This allows the messaging service to lock horns with the likes of WhatsApp’s Meta AI integration. However, is it even that good, or just an all-bark and no-bite feature? Let’s find out!
How Does the New Copilot Telegram Bot Work
Before we get into the use cases of the new Copilot Telegram bot, let’s quickly take a look at how you can get it to work in the first place. Here’s a quick rundown:
- First things first, visit the dedicated Microsoft Copilot Telegram bot page and hit Try now.
- That will redirect you to your installed Telegram (Android, iOS) app and open the Copilot bot page there. Here, you’ll need to hit Start.
- Then, you will have to accept the terms as well as share your phone number to start using the bot.
I tried the Copilot bot on both the Android and iOS Telegram apps and it works just fine. However, there are some undeniable problems with it.
For starters, why do I need to share my phone number with the Copilot bot for it to work? As I said before, Telegram still has a big user base because of its privacy features. So, this does feel a bit unnecessary.
Additionally, while it may sound cool that Telegram has received a dedicated integration for Copilot, it’s pretty lackluster in reality. You only get to do 30 back and forth conversations per day, and the bot only recognizes and reciprocates with text-based prompts.
So, no image generation or all that fun stuff here. Instead, it asks you to download the Copilot app or visit the web version, defeating the very purpose of its own existence.
While I do understand that it is in beta at the moment and it may gain other multimodal features in coming updates, in its current state, the use cases are pretty limited. Especially with the daily limit of 30.
What do you think of Telegram’s new Copilot bot? Do let me know in the comments down below.