Mukesh Ambani, who is currently ranked 11th on the Forbes Richest List and has a net worth of $121 billion (approximately Rs 10,10,318 crore), spent a total of Rs 5,000 crore on the wedding of his youngest son, Anant Ambani, to Radhika Merchant, daughter of businessman Viren Merchant, the CEO and Vice-Chairman of Encore Healthcare. Prior to hosting the wedding (which included three events – Shubh Vivaah, Shubh Aashirwaad and Mangal Utsav) in Mumbai, the Ambanis held two extravagant pre-wedding celebrations: one in Jamnagar and the other on a luxurious cruise that sailed from Italy to France. The celebrations were attended by well-known figures from Bollywood, politicians, billionaires, industrialists and business tycoons, socialites, sports personalities, and other prominent individuals from around the world.
During the pre-wedding celebrations, guests were entertained by Rihanna, Katy Perry, Andrea Bocelli, and the Backstreet Boys with their power-packed performances. For the wedding, the Ambanis invited Justin Bieber to perform at the sangeet ceremony, which took place at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) in Mumbai on 5th July. In this article, we take a look at the never-before-seen lavish arrangements made by Nita and Mukesh Ambani for their guests.
From private jets to Audemars Piguet watches, 5 expensive gifts and unique services Nita and Mukesh Ambani had for their guests at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding
1. Falcon 2000 jets
The Ambanis hired 3 Falcon 2000 jets for guests arriving from various parts of the world. Confirming the same, Rajan Mehra, the CEO of Air Charter company Club One Air, told Reuters that the Ambanis rented 3 of their Falcon 2000 jets for the wedding. “The guests are coming from all over and each aircraft will make multiple trips across the country,” he added. Additionally, during the pre-wedding festivities in Jamnagar and Italy, Nita and Mukesh Ambani had arranged for multiple chartered flights for their close friends and guests to travel to the venue. According to India Today, they spent a significant amount on travel expenses.
2. Powerful performances